October 8, 2008

What Happen to My Brain?

Picture this...It's a sunny afternoon; a beautiful day to do some causal shopping. For twenty minutes or so I stroll down the isles of BabiesR'Us dreaming of the cute, fun little things that our baby might need or that mommy can't resist. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot this adorable bib that I decided a can't live without. Take it up to the register and proceed to my car. As I am driving out of the parking lot, I realize that I don't know what I did with keys. Quickly I grab my bag and begin checking the usual places. But they weren't there. My first thought is "Crap that is what I get for up sizing bags. I can't find anything. That's why no one should buy a bag bigger than their hand." Then I quickly get back to the problem at hand...looking for my keys. I begin to really fret thinking of having to hunt all over the store for my keys. I must of picked up a hundred different items in which at any point I could have put down my keys. In a panic, I pull over the car wondering how I am ever going to get home if I can't find my keys. At this point, I can only imagine Ted's reaction when I have to call him out of praise team practice to come get me on the other side of town in rush hour. After all, how am I suppose to get home if I don't have my key chain with my house key and my car key. Yes, it was then that the light bulb went off...I was driving my car...My keys weren't lost. They were exactly where they were suppose to be in my ignition. So I sat their for minute as I let my heart rate calm down wondering what happened to my brain? I guess I call it pregnancy brain, but as Ted says it's only a temporary excuse for an already frequent problem!


Jill said...

Too funny! It is DEFINITELY pregnancy brain. Things like that happened to me all the time and guess what? After you have the baby....you have mommy brain and it's pretty much the same! Oh well, at least we always have an excuse, huh?

pturner63 said...

pretty stinking funny shana.

Anonymous said...

haha... that's too funny. My friend did the exact same thing with her keys... plus a few other times after that. Once we were in Wal-mart and they were in her back pocket the whole time. The sad part was that she kept hearing a jingling sound from behind her! BUT! she wasn't pregnant... so who knows *shrugs*

Kris said...

LOL = I don't even have to be pregnant to do that... but it doesn't help either.

Gotta love Babies R Us though... I just wish they had better cloth diaper stuff (maybe is good they don't.. I'd be there all the time!)

Lisa said...

Oh, Shana!!! How funny! I would totally do something like that when I was pregnant. It only gets worse! :) How are you feeling? Love you!

Anonymous said...

I just call it "momma brain" - you push a lot more than just a kiddo out at the end! And it seems to increase w each kiddo.
Oh, you'll enjoy this story for a long time! Thanks for laying aside your pride to share the laugh w us!