December 31, 2008

The Miracle of the Season

Tonight we celebrated the miracle of the season in a very special way. Ted's mom, sister, Ted, and I went to visit Charlie at the Rehab center where he was moved on Monday. He had a great day! He was telling us all about how the nurses get him up to exercise several times a day, but then they try to wake him up all night to get his stats. Charlie told the nurse last night that he was having none of that poking and prodding at 2 am; she would have to come back in the morning after 6 am when he was awake. In an unrelated tell, he also told a strange story about delivering baby pigs and therefore being able to deliver a real human baby on the side of the road on the way home from his farm. He added that we should not be so stupid to wait until the last minute to go to the hospital. It was good to see him cracking jokes and enjoying life again. What an amazing way to end the year with a reminder of how powerful, how merciful, how amazing our Savior really is. Just over a month ago the doctors told us Charlie had thirty minutes to live. Weeks later we're celebrating life with him. We are filled with hope. Hope that maybe one day he can go home to live out the rest of his days. Hope that maybe the Lord will grant Him more time on this Earth to love the people around him and to make them smile as he so often does. We thank you for your continued prayers over the last few weeks. As difficult as it has been at times, it makes it easier knowing that so many people are lifting up our family. We know that Charlie would not be here if it weren't for the thousands of prayers lifted up on his behalf. God does answer prayers in ways we can't even imagine!

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