November 9, 2009

Eight Months Old Already!

The last eight months have flown by! I think back to those first few weeks of just staring at this beautiful baby girl who slept all the time. Now, she is bigger (15.2 pounds) and longer (27 inches) and sooooo much more active. Margie is very curious...she always wants to see what is going on, what does it feel like, what does sound does this make, what does it taste like is our favorite form of exploration. Little Miss Chatterbox has learned to say "mama," "hi," and "bye." But she is trying awfully hard to get other words out. No surprise that she is talking so early. While she doesn't seem to be any where near crawling, she can get where she wants to go. Margie stretches, turns, and rolls wherever she wants to go. We are also sleeping through the night much more successfully than before. Margie still doesn't like sleeping by herself but she is doing it. Around 5 am she wakes up fussing until I come get her but that's OK with me. I get to sleep the majority of the night without sharing my space but still get those sweet early morning cuddles. While some people would think that's a little crazy, a wise woman once told me that my baby wouldn't be a baby forever so I better enjoy every moment....and I am!

Oh and did I mention how much she LOVES leaves!


Kris said...

Awww! She's precious! And they do grow so fast... Its crazy. Wonderful, but crazy lol.

Jessica said...

8 months really? REALLY? Wow! She's just so precious!

victoria said...

Gretchen may not be talking but she is crawling and soon will be walking as she is pulling herself up and trying to balance with only one hand. Oh and our new fun is that she wants no baby food anymore!

Ted and Shana said...

Victoria..what does she want to eat then?? We figure when we move in with Shana's parents(because we're sellin' our place and building..displaced for a bit)...she'll start crawling and walking. She doesn't have a need to now! our house is so small..she can grab everything she wants(I'm not kidding!!)